Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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Third Meeting of LIFE Projects

On May 20 and 21, 2016 in Czajowice, near Cracow, the third meeting of LIFE projects took place. It was organized by the Foundation for the Support of Ecological Initiatives within the framework of the LIFE project “Mission Nature” LIFE INF/PL/000478 and the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Cracow executing the project “Protection of xerothermic habitats in the Natura 2000 areas in Miechowszczyzna” LIFE NAT/PL/000053.

The platform meeting was attended by the representatives of LIFE beneficiaries from all over Poland and the monitors of the projects – Ms. Marta Kaczyńska and Mr. Stanisław Tworek.

The indoor part of the meeting took form of workshops divided into three thematic stations:

- analysis and interpretation of the projects’ indexes;

- project sustainability, maintaining the ecological effect;

- procedure of projects’ prolongation.

The participants made use of the opportunity to discuss new project problems together.

The open form of the meeting enabled immediate solution finding and allowed the comparison of the ways in which selected tasks were being carried out by different entities.

On the second day a field trip to Miechowszczyzna took place. Its aim was to present the areas in which the tasks within the framework of the project LIFE12 NAT/PL/000053 were being executed.

The meeting was a wonderful opportunity to exchange experience and strengthen the cooperation between the beneficiaries who execute LIFE projects. We are immensely pleased that our initiative of LIFE Projects meetings is continued.


Zał.1 - Greeting of guest


Zał.2 - Indoor part of the meeting


Zał.3 - Discussion at the thematic tables