Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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LIFE+ 2016 Information Day

On April 26, 2016 the employees of the project LIFE11 NAT/PL/432 (Artur Wojtasik, Milena Ziętek, Marcelina Ferdyn-Korzepa) took part in the LIFE+ Information Day, which was organized for the ninth time by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw (,832,dzien-informacyjny-life-relacje-filmowe.html).

As in previous years, the conference participants had the opportunity of attending paper sessions: the general session, in which the speakers discussed basic information concerning the LIFE financial component and gave advice and explanations as to how to write applications for the LIFE Program funds; the thematic session, covering the following topics: “Life for companies,” “Protection of wetland birds, “Effective Information Campaign.”

Additionally, former and current beneficiaries presented their projects, exchanged experiences concerning their execution, and answered the questions of those interested in applying for subsidies. The frequent topics touched upon during the discussion were, among others, cooperation with other entities, project implementation in local communities and maintaining project sustainability after its completion. Our stall, organized jointly with the LIFE+ Beskidy project, enjoyed great popularity.

Zał. 1

Zał.1 - LIFE Beneficiaries` Promotional stalls

Zał. 2

Zał.2 - Jurassic - Beskidy promotional stall of the Silesian Voivodship Landscape

            Parks Compleks


Zał.3 - Experience exchange with another Beneficiary


Zał.4 - Promotional stall


Zał.5 - Conversation with the Information Day participants