Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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Second Convention of LIFE NATURE Projects

On 3-4 December 2015 in Smoleń the Second Convention of LIFE NATURE Projects took place which the Silesian Voivodeship Landscape Parks Complex had the pleasure to organize. The participants of the convention included representatives of many LIFE NATURE Projects realized all over Poland, and the Project Monitor, Mr. Stanisław Tworek.

The format of the convention was based on the previous meeting organized in October by the staff members of the Kampinos National Park. The aim of the convention was to exchange best practice and discuss the problems encountered while realizing Projects financed by the LIFE instrument.

On the first day thematic discussions were organized. There were three table sessions, each focusing on different issue and moderated by a different chairperson invited by the organizers:

1. Financial table chaired by Ryszard Tlaga from the Kampinos National Park

2. Project progress table chaired by Izabela Banaszewska from the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Kraków

3. Reports and sustainability table chaired by Monika Kryger from the Municipal Office of the Capital City of Warsaw.

The conclusions drawn from the first convention were referred to during the thematic discussions. The participants took the opportunity to discuss newly encountered problems together with other people involved in Nature Projects. The open format of the meeting allowed the participants to find solutions to problems as they arose in the discussion and confront different methods of carrying out certain actions by different entities.

On the second day, during the field session the participants could observe the effects of tree and shrub removal and grazing on the example of the area near the Olsztyn Castle, as well as the realization of the removal of threes including the tree stumps, the effects of grazing, and replacement of the belay-rappel anchors for the climbers on the Kromołowiec Hill in Niegowonice.

We hope that the idea of the conventions will be continued by other, upcoming Projects.

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Welcoming the guests

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Discussions by the thematic tables

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Discussions by the thematic tables

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Discussions by the thematic tables

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Summing up

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Summing up

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Field session – the areas encompassed by the Project looked beautiful on that sunny day

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Field session – the areas encompassed by the Project looked beautiful on that sunny day

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Field session – the areas encompassed by the Project looked beautiful on that sunny day