Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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We have established another cooperation!

On 25-26 November 2015 in the office of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection the representatives of our Project team established official cooperation with the team realizing Project LIFE12 NAT/PL/000053 "Conservation of xerothermic grasslands in Natura 2000 sites on Miechowska Upland".

On the first day, during the indoors session the participants of the meeting discussed the objectives of both projects. The discussion focused on the issues connected with grazing, including the methods of carrying out grazing and the details of the agreements with the contractors. Apart from that, the participants also talked about land purchase and Project sustainability.

On the second day the members of both Project teams took part in the field session in Natura 2000 sites Chodów-Falniów and Komorów where they discussed the measures of active protection implemented in Autumn: scything and raking the area of grasslands, tree and shrub removal, and the removal of the resulting biomass. What is more, the results of sheep and goat grazing in the area of Miechowicka Upland were shown to our Project team representatives.

In order to find out more about the Project realized by the Regional Directorate, please visit:

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Discussing the objectives of the Projects (the office of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection)

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Discussing the objectives of the Projects (the office of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection)

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Visiting the grazing contractor

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Field session: the effects of grazing and scything in the area of Miechowicka Upland

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Field session: the effects of grazing and scything in the area of Miechowicka Upland

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Field session: the effects of grazing and scything in the area of Miechowicka Upland