Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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"Jurajskie Regionalia 2015" event

On 29th August 2015 in the Centre for the Natural and Cultural Heritage (Centrum Dziedzictwa Przyrodniczego i Kulturowego) in Podlesice another edition of the "Jurajskie Regionalia" event (the Jura regional festival) took place.

The festival was organized by the Association of the Zawiercie Region Enthusiasts (Towarzystwo Miłośników Ziemi Zawierciańskiej). The aim of this annual event is to promote and cultivate traditions and cultural heritage of the Kraków-Jura Upland, as well as to present the actions of active nature protection carried out in the region.

The shared promotional stand of the LIFE11 NAT/PL/432 Project and Silesian Voivodeship Landscape Parks Complex allowed to popularize the natural and landscape values of the Śląskie voivodeship among the residents, guests and tourists visiting the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. Taking part in the festival provided a great opportunity to disseminate knowledge about the xerothermic and rock grasslands and the forms of conservation used to protect them. There was also an educational and art corner prepared for the children and youth.

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"Jurajskie Regionalia 2015" event in Podlesice

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Shared promotional stand of the LIFE+ Project and Silesian Voivideship Landscape Parks Complex

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Performance by the local Country Housewives' Club

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Sheep shearing demonstration

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Educational and art corner

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The participants during the art activities