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First Convention of LIFE NATURE Projects

On the 1st and 2nd October 2015 in Izabelin a Convention of LIFE NATURE Projects took place. It was the first out of two working meetings planned and organized by the Kampinos National Park and the Silesian Voivodeship Landscape Parks Complex.

The convention was a brainchild of the Head of Life+ Jura section, Artur Wojtasik (Silesian Voivodeship Landscape Parks Complex), Financial Coordinator of ActiveKPN Project, Ryszard Tlaga (Kampinos National Park), and Technical Coordinator of ActiveKPN Project, Karol Kram (Kampinos National Park). The aim of both meetings is to exchange best practice, and discuss the problems encountered while realizing Projects financed by the LIFE instrument.

The participants of the convention included the representatives of 23 LIFE NATURE Projects and the staff members of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw.

On the first day thematic discussions were organized. There were four table sessions, each focusing on different issue and moderated by a different chairperson:

1. Financial table chaired by Anna Mendel from the Foundation for the Support of Ecological Initiatives, Kraków

2. Project progress table chaired by Piotr Niedbał from the Silesian Voivodeship Landscape Parks Complex

3. Changes to the projects and contacts with the EC table chaired by Lech Krzysztofiak from the Wigry National Park

4. Final report and sustainability table chaired by Katarzyna Barańska from the Naturalists' Club.

During the discussion panel problematic issues were raised, summarized and discussed in order to find potential solutions. Some areas were pinpointed for further discussion during the second meeting which will be organized in the Silesian Voivodeship Landscape Parks Complex office.

The first day of the meeting closed with concluding remarks made by the Deputy Head of the Kampinos National Park, Anna Wilińska and the Head of the LIFE+ Projects Unit in the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, Andrzej Muter.

On the second day the participants had the opportunity to get familiar in the field with the actions realized by the Kampinos National Park in the framework of two Projects: "ActiveKPN" (LIFE10 NAT/PL/000655 Conservation of natural resources of Kampinos Forest – Natura 2000 site, through renaturization of purchased land) and "Kampinos wetlands" (LIFE12 NAT/PL/000084 Wetlands conservation and restoration in Puszcza Kampinoska Natura 2000 site). The participants visited the areas of Roztoka, Sowia Wola, Górki and Grochalskie Piachy.

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Welcoming the guests in the Kampinos National Park office

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Discussion by the project progress table

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Discussion by the project progress table

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Discussions by the financial table and the final report and sustainability table

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Discussions by the financial table and the final report and sustainability table

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Discussing the trouble spots

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Outdoors session devoted to the actions realized in the framework of two projects of the Kampinos National Park

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Outdoors session devoted to the actions realized in the framework of two projects of the Kampinos National Park

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Outdoors session devoted to the actions realized in the framework of two projects of the Kampinos National Park