Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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New rest points for tourists are ready to use!

New rest points for tourists were constructed as a part of the LIFE+ Project ,,Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park” on the territory of the Kroczyce refugium and the Złoty Potok refugium in November and December 2014.

The construction works were carried out as a continuation of action C6: "Channeling of the tourist traffic by means of constructing rest points".

New rest points are placed in:

1.Suliszowice in the so called Zastudnie and next to the building of the Multifunctional Rural Development Centre

2. Przewodziszowice near the ruins of the watchtower

3. Mirów near the Mirów-Żarki bicycle lane

4. Łutowiec in the parking lot in the centre of the village and next to the Elementarz school

5. Włodowice in the parking lot near the Rzędkowickie Rocks

6. Skarżyce near Okiennik Wielki

7.Ryczów–Kolonia in the Turystyczna Street and at the intersection of Armii Krajowej and Szkolna Streets.

A total of 10 new rest points for tourists were erected. The majority of the newly constructed points include roofed tables with benches, information boards, bicycle stands, and rubbish bins. Some elements of the infrastructure were doubled in the most visited spots. We plan to construct two new rest points for tourists in 2015: one in Niegowonice on the Kromołowiec Hill, and the other in Kostkowice near the reservoir.

We encourage all the tourists to use the rest points which were constructed as a part of the Project. We hope that the newly erected points will be used as frequently and eagerly as the ones we had built in 2013.

Fot.1 infrastruktura

Rest point in Suliszowice in the so called Zastudnie

Fot.2 infrastruktura

Rest point in Suliszowice in the so called Zastudnie

Fot.3 infrastruktura

Rest point in Rzędkowice

Fot.4 infrastruktura

Rest point in Skarżyce (near Okiennik Wielki)

Fot.5 infrastruktura

Rest point in Mirów