Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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Animal grazing season is still on!

Though the weather's been quite tricky recently, our natural mowers still graze the grassland habitats of the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland.

 Sheep systematically and selectively mow the stenothermic habitats by eating the plants which have soft leaves and avoiding xeromorphic species. Goats, on the other hand, are more like garden shears, pruning the saplings of trees and shrubs. The animals leave the plants which constitute a typical, colourful and fragrant image of the grasslands. That is why animal grazing is not only a great tourist attraction but also (or mainly) one of the most effective methods of stopping the unwanted changes in the environment. The process of plant succession would soon result in covering the most valuable elements of landscape, nature and historical sites in Jura.

zał 1 cegielnia hill

Cegielnia hill (Olsztyn-Mirów refugium)

zał 2 resting

Resting on Ostra Górka (Olsztyn)

zał 3 morsko

Morsko (Kroczyce refugium)

 zał 4 rzędkowice

 Grazing in Rzędkowice – goat commando unit pruning tree and shrub saplings

zał 5 wodąca valley

Wodąca valley – Sikorowa Skała (Środkowa Jura refugium)

zał 6 lifesheep

LIFE+ sheep