Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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A meeting with the members of the local community of Rzędkowice

A meeting with the members of the local community of Rzędkowice (Włodowice district) took place on 24th June 2014 at 5 PM in the building of the country youth club (the projekt LIFE+: LIFE11 NAT/PL/432).

The meeting begun with the greetings and introduction of the project actions realized in Kraków-Częstochowa Upland in the form of a multimedia presentation. The second part of the meeting was constituted by the discussion panel which provided a great opportunity for the members of the community to ask questions and find out more about the projects. The questions asked were related to action B1 (the purchase of environmentally valuable grounds) and C1 (tree and shrub saplings removal). The meeting ended with a performance of a music band from Jura organized by the citizens of Rzędkowice. The participants were provided with refreshments.

zał 1 the citizens

The citizens of Rzędkowice

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The citizens of Rzędkowice

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Multimedia presentation

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The performance of the music band