Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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"Practical results of the realisation of the active protection projects co-financed by the EU funds" seminar

Between 26th and 28th May 2014 in Kazimierz Dolny our staff took part in the sum up seminar for the project "The protection of habitats and species in the NATURA 2000 areas in Lubelskie voivodeship" co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment.

The seminar provided a great opportunity for presenting the results of the projects connected with ecology and nature coordinated by the Coordination Centre for Environmental Projects and LIFE+ financial instrument of the European Commission. A vital part of the seminar was constituted by the panel session during which the staff of the projects presented their project objectives and outcomes. On the third day a field session took place during which the results of the performed actions of active protection of semi-dry grasslands on the banks of Vistula river (near Męćmierz and Podgórze) could be observed. The actions involved: mowing, removal of the invasive species, re-sowing and re-planting. Dorota Okoń (nature protection specialist from Silesian Voivodeship Landscape Parks Complex) and Katarzyna Pukowiec (LIFE+ Jura staff member) took part in the seminar on behalf of the Silesian Voivoideship Landscape Parks Complex.

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Part of the grassland where the actions were undertaken

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Góra Trzech Krzyży – view of Kazimierz Dolny

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Tourist information point