Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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LIFE12 NAT/PL/00081 “Protection of non-forest habitats in the Beskid Landscape Parks” inagural conference

On 27th of March 2014 in Jeleśnia took place a conference opening the project: LIFE12 NAT/PL/00081 “Protection of non-forest habitats in the Beskid Landscape Parks.”

The participants of the conference included an MP, the members of the Voivodeship self-government, local authorities, forestry representatives, academics, grazing activists and LIFE11 NAT/PL/432 project staff.

The scientific part of the conference comprised of speeches and lectures about the project itself (i.e. project aims and objectives, planned actions) as well as about the issues connected with the project: non-forest habitats of Beskid Śląski and Beskid Żywiecki, and the tradition of sheep grazing in the mountains. After the scientific part of the conference the participants were invited to Piotr Kohut’s cottage in Koniaków, where they had the possibility to visit a traditional mountain shelter and taste local hand-made cheese. The participants also visited a small local art and craft gallery where they saw oil paintings, sculptures, and hand-made musical instruments.