Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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Conference in Cedynia

On the 2nd of December the team of our LIFE+ project took part in a conference in Cedynia. It was a summary conference of the Naturalists’ Club’s project titled: ‘Protection of semi-natural dry grasslands in Poland – theory and practice’. The conference took place in hotel Klasztor in Cedynia – a building from the Middle Ages, located on the top of a picturesque slope in Odra Valley.

The representatives of the Naturalists' Club presented the objectives of the project and the current state of the realization of the project. Their presentations showed the details of realization of the project actions in various regions and indicated the results of the actions for the nature of the region. The concluding remarks included a set of measures which shall be taken to prolong the effects of the performed actions.

It was yet another great opportunity to share experiences among the Polish beneficiaries of the LIFE+ projects, the local authorities, the Forestry Commission and non-governmental organizations interested in nature’s protection.