Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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Saplings and self-sown trees and shrubs removed from Kromołowiec Hill and Okiennik Hill

In October and November of 2013 activities included in action C2 – Removal of tree trunks from the grasslands for natural protection have been performed.

The trunks of Tacamahaca poplar (of American origin) and hazel bushes were removed from Kromołowiec Hill in Niegowonice (Środkowa Jura refugium).  The saplings and self-sown trees of hornbeam were removed from Okiennik in Rzędkowice (Kroczyce refugium).

The aim of the performed work was to clean semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates from trunks and self-sowns saplings of trees and shrubs. Mechanical removal of  trunks is the most effective method in case of species such as hornbeam and poplar. Work is  performed once as all elements of trees (paying special attention to trunks and roots) are removed.