Protection of valuable natural non-forest habitats typical of the Orle Gniazda Landscape Park

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Establishing cooperation with Project LIFE10 NAT/PL/655

On the 22nd of April 2013 in Izabelin in Kampinos National Park took place an official meeting. The aim of the meeting was to establish cooperation with Project LIFE10 NAT/PL/655Conservation of natural resources of Kampinos Forest – Natura 2000 site, through renaturization of purchased land”.

Potential grounds for cooperation were established and the actions for the near future were planned. The meeting ended with a field viewing presenting certain aspects of project actions.

The main objectives and assumptions of the projects were presented. The realization of the projects including technical and financial issues and projects’ merits was also discussed paying special attention to the experiences gained in the course of the projects. Another vital point of the meeting concerned experiences in the realization of the co-financed projects.

Potential grounds for cooperation were established and the actions for the near future were planned. The meeting ended with a field viewing presenting certain aspects of project actions.