Liczba wizyt
Meeting with Beneficiaries of Project LIFE12 NAT/PL/000031 or grasslands in the desert
On March 3-4, 2016 the Project employees went to the headquarters of the Regional Infrastructure Management Board in Cracow – the Beneficiary of the project LIFE12 NAT/PL/000031 “Comprehensive protection of non-forest natural habitats in military areas in Natura 200 sites” (
On the first day, at the indoor session, the aims and indices to be achieved during the lifespan of each project were discussed. Afterwards, the progress of the tasks to be completed by both of the Beneficiaries was briefly analyzed. Importantly, the subject of reporting to the European Commission and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management played a significant part in the meeting.
On the second day, together with the Employees of the project LIFE12 NAT/PL/000031 we went into the field to see the results of the works, either completed, or those in progress, connected with tree and shrub removal in the Błędowska Desert.
We would like to thank the organizers of the visit and wish them success in the further implementation of the Project.
Zał. 1 – Second day of the visit, field part.
Zał. 2 Area of wind-blown sands – Błędowska Desert.
Zał. 3 Protection of inland xeric calcareous grasslands by shrub and tree removal
Zał. 4 As the works continue….
Zał. 5 – “Polish Sahara”
Zał.6 - LIFE & LIFE